The development of a human being is complex and entails stages that are very critical to forming the foundation of personality and overall life success. In modern psychology it is widely understood that many things can affect the early and sensitive stage of childhood.
It is reported that about 1 in 44 children in the US are known to be on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), making it the most prevalence globally. It is typically known to affect males more than females, and individuals generally show signs of Autism within the first 12 months of life. The initial symptoms often show a likelihood of poor eye contact and verbal fluency, lack of showing, communicating, or sharing, and genera social skills. These symptoms evolve with age, and are accompanied by other developmental and psychiatric comorbidities about 31% of the time, according to the CDC.
Autism and the Brain
Research on ASD over the last 20 years has made a lot of progress in identifying the possible causes and treatments. Neuroscience specifically has been able to identify how certain patterns of brain activity are implicated in Autism. Research in brain wave (EEG) activity has found several mechanisms common to the presentation of Autism; dysregulation of the mirror neuron system, seizure activity, and abnormal patterns of coherence.
The mirror neuron system provides the neurological hardware for understanding the intentions of others, learning through imitation, as well as empathy, is associated with an EEG rhythm known as “mu” and individuals with Autism exhibit abnormal mu rhythm function. Additionally, it is well recognized that individuals suffering from Autism demonstrate significant EEG abnormalities about 50% of the time, which often show abnormalities within the right temporoparietal junction of the brain, and upwards of 30% develop clinical seizures by adolescence.

Neurofeedback identifies poor brain performance
The malleability of the brain offers a breath of relief for individuals with Autism, and their families. By targeting specific brain wave frequencies associated with everything from the mirror neuron system (mu rhythm), to patterns of seizure (epileptiform) activity, and the regulation of the temporoparietal junction, neurofeedback training has shown successful results in remedying this dysfunction.
The ability to affect the direction of a child’s life, as has been the case numerous times with neurofeedback, can make a difference between a life spent under the direct supervision of a caretaker/s, or having the ability to mature and proceed with one’s adolescent and adult development.
Neurofeedback and Autism (Short Documentary)
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